
How The Globalists Subverted The Roman Catholic Church – Jay on lnf0warz

I host the 4th hour of the h@lexxx J0n3s show again to cover the techniques and plans of how the ecumenist movement was funded and turned to the strategy of the global elites. I cover the history of religious subversion, the Rockefeller’s usage of the ecumenist movement to promote the social gospel and how this led to the current state of affairs with globalization and Vatican II.


FLASHBACK: ‘Competing Ideologies’ with Fukuyama, Dugin and Krastev

Is there one human nature or do different cultures create their own versions of human nature? Are contemporary geopolitical conflicts to an extent manifestations of what has been called a “clash of civilizations?”
Francis Fukuyama, Alexander Dugin and Ivan Krastev engage in a 90 minute conversation about democracy, liberalism, human nature and what is happening in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The Great Reset Prepares Us For Transhumanism – Jay Dyer on lnf0warz

I return to host the last hour of the h@lex J0nes Show, covering Davos head Klaus Schwab’s admission the whole system of IoT, chlps and more are all real.  In fact, Schwab’s book is two years prior to the Cooof, and preps us for geeoengineering, the circular economy and more.  Klaus lays out the whole gameplan and I demonstrate this also aligns with the 2007 MOD paper predicting mobs and Marxism, as well as Julian’s Philosophy of Unesco from 1946.

Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’

Western hegemony and globalization appear to be approaching an impasse. This moment of change appears to have been accelerated by the government-engineered lockdowns amid the COVID crisis. How significant is this time in history compared to other major watershed moments of the last 100 years?
Will the world descend into melange of competing anarcho-states, something more akin to a ‘Game of Thrones’ world?

Worldview Warfare & the Philosophy of Psychological Operations – Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Author Donald Davis joins me to discuss his book on worldview warfare.  Davis has investigated multiple layers and levels of reality to construct a metaphysics of worldview warfare.  We will see here, at a meta level, the interconnectedness of spiritual warfare, the demonic, psychological operations, religious engineering, history, music and more, all collide to initiate the modern masses into a new paradigm.  Donald’s book can be purchased here. Live at 8PM CST 


Great Reset Happytalism & Dolphin Love (Half) – Jay Dyer

Today we cover a couple works I was able to get ahold of, namely John C. Lilly’s revealing autobiography and a futurist book with essays discussing UBI, technocracy, the new era of spirituality and more.  The past two weeks have shown us the world is fast moving into this new era. Streamlabs now replaces superchats here.  Live at 4PM EST 


The Real “Enlightened Ones” – Dean Arnold (Partial)

My godfather Dean Arnold joins me to discuss his recent books and analyses of Gates.This is a snippet interview clip. We cover his background and ideology, and then move on to look at the United Nations and its influence and players. We cover old ground in relation to the Lucis Trust and Dean’s new insights. Subscribe for the full content at JaysAnalysis.