
Monsanto agrochemicals causing genetic damage in soybean workers – study

RT | January 22, 2015 Soybean workers exposed to the agrochemicals like glyphosate, the main component in Monsanto’s ‘Roundup’ herbicide and other biocides, suffer from elevated DNA and cell damage, according to a new study. The study, published in the journal Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, involved 127 people, including 81 exposed to biocides […]

Interview 985 – Finance and Liberty: Globalization Chimerican Style

Today James joins Elijah Johnson of to talk about how the American and Chinese oligarchies are working together to further extend the ideology of globalization. Issues discussed include the powers behind the throne, the globalist ideology, the end of the nation state, examples of American-Chinese cooperation, the importance of the internet and the coming internet crackdown, and much more.

America’s wealthiest families smash income ceiling, middle-class left far behind

By Robert Bridge | RT | December 18, 2014 Despite, or because of, the fallout from the 2007 Great Recession, annual earnings between the richest Americans and everybody else have exploded to record levels. Meanwhile middle- and lower-class wealth growth remains stagnant. The median wealth for high-income families hit $639,400 last year, a whopping 7 […]

American Capitalism: Écrasez l’Infâme!

From 1948 to 1973, hourly compensation grew instep with the productivity of the typical American worker. This means that, for about a generation’s time, economic prosperity amongst workers in the United States virtually reflected productivity. In the ensuing forty years, however, inequality exploded. The Washington Post has reported that income for the bottom 90 percent of American households has only nominally grown since 1973, when this group commanded nearly 70 percent of national income.

Guatemala defies ‘Monsanto Law’ pushed by US as part of trade agreement

RT | September 3, 2014 The highest court in Guatemala has suspended the controversial ‘Monsanto Law,’ a provision of a US-Central American trade agreement, that would insulate transnational seed corporations considered to have “discovered” new plant varieties. The Constitutional Court suspended on Friday the law – passed in June and due to go into effect […]

How Did WTC7 Collapse? – Questions For Corbett #016

In this edition of “Questions For Corbett” James answers questions on the BRICS vs. the west, facebook and Gootube, the WTC7 collapse, Zeitgeist, secret societies, and much much more.
For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.
For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).

Interview 901 – James Perloff Exposes the CFR Agenda

In his groundbreaking (and bestselling) 1988 book, The Shadows of Power, author and researcher James Perloff meticulously documents the origins, aims and influence of The Council on Foreign Relations and its members. Today Perloff joins us to discuss the CFR, its acknowledged goal of preparing the American public for a new world order, and how it is working to accomplish that goal through the control of America’s foreign policy apparatus.