
Corporations shell out $1.2mn in Senate contributions to fast-track TPP

RT | May 28, 2015 Records from the Federal Election Commission show corporations have been donating tens of thousands of dollars to Senate campaign coffers, particularly to lawmakers who were undecided over a controversial trade deal involving Pacific Rim countries. Using data from the Federal Election Commission, the Guardian studied donations from the corporate members […]

Interview 1036 – Financial Survival: Tyranny By Treaty

[audio mp3=""][/audio]In this week's conversation on Financial Survival James and Alfred discuss the latest on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and how treaties like the TPP are increasingly being used to merge national economies and political structures behind the scenes. We also talk about China's role in the New World Order and how the oligarchy perpetuates itself behind various political systems.

Marxist Praxis, Catholic Solidarity, and Human Dignity

Pope Francis I has denied being a communist, noting that he simply urges activism against the “structural causes” of poverty. This activism follows from Christian doctrine. Francis has said that any pronouncements regarding economic policy and welfare stem from Church doctrine rather than “leftist ideology.” Nevertheless, it appears that Marxist principles have emerged within Catholic social teaching, specifically with respect to notions of praxis (which are endogenous to both Marxist and Catholic social thought) and social analysis.

Tunisia museum attack: Who’s behind it, what are their goals?

RT | March 19, 2015 Groups like IS, which could be behind the Bardo Museum shootings, have a long history of collaborating with the West and may have attacked tourists just to maintain their anti-Western façade, says independent political analyst Dan Glazebrook. RT: Do you think that the Western tourists were targeted on purpose? Dan Glazebrook: […]

Rich get richer from fewer labor unions, study says

RT | February 28, 2015 A study by the International Monetary Fund tracked three decades of income and found that as unionization declined, the wealth of the richest 10 percent in advanced countries showed a continuous increase. More specifically, the study’s authors found that when researching income levels during the period of 1980-2010, the decline […]