
Is the United States of America a Liberal Democracy, or Liberal Oligarchy?

21st Century Wire says…
Does the American ideal of a egalitarian meritocracy really live up to the reality? Did it ever?
The world’s political and financial elite are currently operating in an epoch which features the greatest wealth gap in human history, and in a financial environment which is the most unrestrained in modern times – all controlled by a relatively small tribe of hereditary elites.
It’s high time to question and reexamine the post-modern concept of ‘democracy’…

Is Industry For or Against the Paris Climate Agreement?

It is not surprising at all that there would be a political split between big and small business over the Paris climate agreement. Whenever you hear that politicians are gathering “stakeholders” from the “business community” to find out their thoughts, know that something is afoul. The interests of large companies are not the same as the interests of free enterprise in general.

Is Culture Really Threatened by the Free Market?

Sitting in his favorite Irish bar, the French citizen, dressed in his Chinese cotton clothes, sips his Spanish wine from a Polish wine glass while he complains about American pop music broadcast by Japanese loudspeakers. Because he is "tired of this cultural invader," he intends to vote for subsidies to “protect” local culture, meaning the government would force the media to disseminate local bands. But ask him what his favorite bands and singers are and he will look away.

African Cities Are Being Built for Wealth Consumption Not Creation

The African city Kinshasa, despite having a population that is bigger than London's and being one of the world's fastest growing cities, is only slightly better connected to the global economy than the North Pole. This and other African cities are centers of consumption and extraction of power elites, as opposed to centers of commerce and production.

Are Globalists Losing Ground?

Death might be the ultimate equalizer, but in the case of David Rockefeller, considerable wealth brought unacceptable privilege and made  survival to illness obscene by any moral or even medical ethics standards. On August 24, 2016, David Rockefeller received his 7th heart transplant which made him, besides being the grandson of the United States’ richest man and first billionaire, the worldwide record holder for number of heart transplants. Coincidentally, musician Chuck Berry passed away a couple of days before David Rockefeller.