
Greece: A (Basket) Case Study In Savage Globalization

A woman uses her fan to cool down outside the Bank of Greece headquarters in Athens, July 24, 2017. (AP/Thanassis Stavrakis)
ATHENS (Analysis)– Oscar López Rivera, the Puerto Rican activist, and advocate for independence whose 70-year prison sentence was commuted earlier this year, resulting in his release after serving 35 years, once had this to say about patriotism and colonialism:

"Globalists" Can Be Protectionists Too

It is true that Macron claims that he wants to preserve globalization. He even declared that “protectionism is war, it’s a lie.” But he never challenged any specific protectionist policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy. He also argued that “we do not have to be a completely open continent: protectionism should not be confused with a necessary protection.” In the same way that under democracy “war becomes simply a device to end war” as Henry Louis Mencken would have said, protectionism has become for Macron a device to end trade barriers.

Want to Raise Workers' Wages? Buy Their Products

Just where would we be without pop stars to tell us about economic policy? Without Annie Lennox, how would we know that people in poor countries don’t get paid very much? For that is what her latest campaign, The Circle, wants to tell us. According to Lennox, the solution is simple: everyone involved in the garment industry should just be paid more money. This lacks a certain economic sophistication, it must be said. In fact, it arguably lacks any economic understanding at all.

(VIDEO) Grenfell Tower Protesters Storm Kensington Town Hall in London

The death toll from the Grenfell Tower fire in West London continues to rise, as authorities are now indicating the number of residents burned alive may be at least 60 now, as more bodies were found in the stairwells of the high rise. This is not including some of the top floor flats which have yet to be forensically investigated. 
Apparently, Prime Minister Theresa May did try to meet with residents, victims and community leaders, but the visit came to an abrupt end as angry protests chased the prime minister’s car as May made a hasty escape from an irate mob.