
The Global ELITE in Their OWN WORDS! They Said WHAT????

Today we create an easy reference for listeners to see the so called elite in their own words and recent speeches that the move for the one world operation is absolutely under way. Live at 6PM CST Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to […]
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Soros To End ‘Most EU Operations’ In ‘Radical Shift’

George Sorors’ Open Society Foundations, which are now controlled by his son Alexander, will cease most of its operations in the European Union. The move, which comes after foundation-funded NGOs ferried migrants to Europe for over a decade (mission accomplished?), comes after the $25 billion family foundation announced a headcount reduction of at least 40% following […]

The Guardian: Avoid Using The Term ‘Wealthy Elite’ And Instead Say ‘The Powerful Few’ to Not ‘Trigger Antisemitism’

Criticizing the “wealthy elite” is anti-Semitic, according to new speech codes from the “Reframing Race initiative” covered by the Guardian on Tuesday.  From The Guardian, “Avoid phrases that link negativity with blackness, anti-racism report recommends”: Phrases and words that link negativity with blackness and positivity with whiteness – such as “black mood”, “dark times” or “whiter […]

CEO of Worldcoin Says “Something Like World ID Will Eventually Exist…Whether You Like It Or Not”

Right now, it’s about those who voluntarily surrender their biometric data and receive “small sums” in Worldcoin in return for signing up to the World ID scheme. But if Open AI CEO Sam Altman has anything to say about how Worldcoin, a project within his company, develops – everyone who wants to use the internet will eventually […]

“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows To Dismantle WHO’s Grip On Governments

German MP Christine Anderson last week shredded the World Health Organization, calling it a group of “globalitarian misanthropists” who she – and a group of seven other MPs, have vowed to dismantle in order to oppose the WHO supplanting democratically elected governments. “An unelected body like who is controlled and run by multi-billionaires should never be allowed […]

Shanghai & Moderna Sign Medical Research Agreement

Kit Knightly In yet another blow to the globalist plan for World Domination, last week the government of Shanghai has signed a “strategic cooperation agreement” with US-based pharmaceutical company Moderna. For anyone living in a cave on Mars for the last couple of years, Moderna are an mRNA-focused research company who produced only the second …

Watch: Virtue-Signalling Spanish Environmental Minister Bikes To Climate Conference With Escort Of Gas Cars

Communist-style propaganda and virtue signaling were out in full force Tuesday when Spanish Environmental Minister Teresa Ribera allegedly traveled via private jet and then hopped on an electric bicycle while being escorted by gasoline-powered vehicles to a climate summit held by the European Union.  A video of Ribera, a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ […]

Interview 1815 - Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

via James joins Ernest Hancock for their regular, bi-monthly conversation on the Declare Your Independence radio broadcast to discuss nationalism, regionalism, globalism and how to really oppose the ideology of collectivism. With a significant detour into yeoman farmers and (un)intentional community, you won't want to miss this thought-provoking chat.

Pope Francis Meets With Bill Clinton and Alex Soros at the Vatican

Pope Francis met with former president Bill Clinton and George Soros’ son Alex Soros on Wednesday in a “private audience” at the Vatican. From Catholic News Agency, “Pope Francis hosts Bill Clinton, foundation head Alex Soros”: [Bill] Clinton’s delegation included several prominent Americans, including Alex Soros of the Open Society Foundations. Clinton, who now focuses his […]