
Chaos, Syria.

Events in Syria are so heavily muddied, by hyperbole and complete disinfo, it's been two or three of the most media crazy days I've noticed since 2011. When I began following the destruction of Syria  as it began in earnest.Was saying to hubby- I've never seen the spin so thick and fast. And I've assuredly read through a whole pile of media lies these past nearly ten years.I suspect this entire area is going to get much worse.

John Hannah- Foundation for Defense of Democracies: US Representative to Syria

Word is this person, who could only be an Israel firster, is set to be appointed as the US special representative to Syria. Why do I think John Hannah is an Israel firster ?* Because the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies is a hawkish Israeli first think tank. * Trump is an Israel firster as is every US administration/President. * Everything in the region where the US is involved revolves around benefiting Israel

U.S Wants Turkey to Restrain Their Operation in Syria

It seems odd that the US wants Turkey to restrain their ops, when the US is not restraining their ops?  When the US is occupying and allying with terrorists right on Turkey’s border which is not located anywhere near the US border? Why should Turkey 'restrain' their operation? It’s obviously a border security issue for them. Tillerson will be visiting Turkey soon. Should be enlightening?NPR

Realpolitik at Sochi

  It's interesting to observe this sort of bias against the nation state of Turkey. Largely due to some negative idea of Erdogan.  I scratch my head at it. It's another nation state in among a whole pile of nation states. It's leader is no more wily then any other leader. I don't get the whole Saint Putin vs Evil Erdogan meme? Erdogan is a player as much as Putin is a player.  And that's just the way it is!   It's painfully obvious that Erdogan, as the leader of Turkey has been and continues to be demonized by the 5 eyes main stream and alt media.