FrontPage Magazine: Time to Get Tough With Turkey
The U.S. has lots of leverage – let’s use it. Kenneth R. TimmermanFrontPage Magazine - A few excerpts:
The U.S. has lots of leverage – let’s use it. Kenneth R. TimmermanFrontPage Magazine - A few excerpts:
Today was really a Tale of Two Cities in Syria.
I really need to clear some of my many bookmarked news articles- All topical. All related to events that are regularly covered here at the blog. And you know what? There's still more to post, but for now, plenty below.
President Trump’s bold ‘protectionist’ move of introducing import duties of 25% and 10%for steel and aluminum, respectively– and possibly more to come – maybe more than just ‘populism’ and fulfilling a campaign promise. And why is the term ‘populism’ always used with a derogative slant? As if it was way below the intellect of those who deride it as addressing[Read More...]
Jared Kushner's father is in unscrupulous person- Not unlike his father in law.
I know there are many readers here from the UK- Hope you are all well and as warm as can be.Mentioned this cold, winter storm hitting large swathes of UK/Europe the other day.We Don’t Want to Scare People But...It’s Cold, Very Cold. Snow. Wind. It seems that the price has skyrocketed for gas and electricity both on the spot market.. UK doesn't have enough gas to keep it's population warm..
Of course one could never be aware of that reality based on some very irrational headlines making the rounds. Such as this one: Science Confirms Antarctica is Screwed and So are We!
Remember the days when the cult of AGW, which rebranded itself to the cult of “Climate Change”, when AGW was a fail, told us all winter was a thing of the past. Snow will be just a distant memory... How wrong they were.When I’d saved this article yesterday the headline started out “We don’t want to scare you but- Snow, Strandings and Mobile Phone Outages. Different Headline Today- Same Winter Storm.Cripes Rome, Italy is covered in snow. Yes, Rome, Italy!And in case we've all forgotten: The climate always changes. Always has. Always will.As stated so many times.