Global Warming Hoax

Leftist Environmentalists Are Protesting a Clean Power Project

Environmentalists in New England are opposed to a proposal that would provide an abundance of clean hydropower, hundreds of jobs, and millions of dollars in annual revenue. The energy project would use hydro-electric power from a series of dams in Canada and delivered via cables through Maine to Massachusetts. The objections range from the impact the cables might have on forests to the fact that the plan would not reduce global emissions of CO2. [...]

Australian University Sued for Censuring a Professor for Criticizing Alarmism over the Great Barrier Reef

Australia: Professor Peter Ridd, a noted coral-reef expert, is suing his employer, James Cook University, for violating his academic freedom by censuring him for criticizing research hyping the 'death' of the Great Barrier Reef. Professor Ridd said that "the science is coming out not properly checked, tested, or replicated, and this is a great shame, because we really need to be able to trust our scientific institutions, and the fact is I do not think we can any more." The University claims that Ridd's comments denigrated the school's reputation.

Germany to Abandon Climate Goal – After Merkel Criticized Trump for Doing Same

Germany will abandon its 2020 national global-warming goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions 40% below 1990 levels. This is part of a deal to form a new coalition government. It's a major embarrassment to Chancellor Angela Merkel who criticized Trump for withdrawing from the Paris Treaty. University of Colorado professor, Roger Pielke, says that Germany’s climate goals were mathematically impossible. [...]

Scientist Faces Criminal Charges because Environmentalists Didn’t Like His Work

A prominent glaciologist, Ricardo Villalba, is facing criminal charges in Argentina after he released a glacier survey that angered environmental activists because it didn’t result in the closing of a gold mine that is responsible for two cynaide spills. Environmentalists allege Villalba rigged the glacier survey to favor mining interests, but other scientists overwhelmingly support Villalba's analysis, saying this is a politically motivated witch hunt. [...]