Global Manipulation, the New World Order, Global Governance

The Vaccine: A Religious Exemption for the Whole World

The Vaccine: A Religious Exemption for the Whole World by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News October 19, 2021   Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing. I put out a
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[Updated Oct. 21] Black Lake Saskatchewan, Canada — First Nation People Hiding in Bush From Military to Avoid Forced Vax

[Updated Oct. 21]  Black Lake Saskatchewan, Canada — First Nation People Hiding in Bush From Military to Avoid Forced Vax   Update: October 21, 2021 –– We have been advised that the ladies in this video have retracted their statement. If this can be verified, additional information will be posted here and a general retraction

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Sues Ontario Government Over Vaccine Passport

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Sues Ontario Government Over Vaccine Passport by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms October 18, 2021   TORONTO, ON: The Justice Centre has filed a constitutional challenge against Ontario’s vaccine passport mandate in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice. The legal challenge is brought on behalf of eight Ontario citizens who are exercising their Charter rights and freedoms

Washington State Trooper Gives ‘Final Sign Off’ After Refusing to Take Vaccine; Tells Governor to Kiss His A**

Washington State Trooper Gives ‘Final Sign Off’ After Refusing to Take Vaccine; Tells Governor to Kiss His A** by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge October 17, 2021   A Washington state trooper released a video of his ‘final sign off’ after more than 22 years on the Yakima County force, after he was forced out of his

Organizing Against Medical Mandates; Project Stand Together: “I Posted a Video on TikTok of Me Passing Out These Signs to Businesses in NYC and It Went Viral”

Organizing Against Medical Mandates; Project Stand Together: “I Posted a Video on TikTok of Me Passing Out These Signs to Businesses in NYC and It Went Viral”            Download and Print Your Own Signs Order Pre-Printed Signs Connect with Project Stand Together & Sign the Petition

Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity

Amazon Caught Throwing Away Tons of Unexpired Food as US Faces Unprecedented Food Insecurity by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project October 17, 2021   Food insecurity in the Land of the Free is at a historical high. Thanks to the fed printing trillions to pay for their irresponsible and economically devastating lockdown policies, food

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute October 16, 2021   For Americans watching the shocking re-Nazification of Germany – where once again the ability to even buy food depends on a person’s physiological/medical status – it may be tempting to downplay the re-emergence of a nasty German political virus and

Alberta, Canada: Justice Adam Germain’s Outrageous Ruling in Court Case Related to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Strong Stance Against Medical Tyranny

Alberta, Canada: Justice Adam Germain’s Outrageous Ruling in Court Case Related to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Strong Stance Against Medical Tyranny   [Read & download PDF of the court document here.]    Judge’s OUTRAGEOUS ruling in Pastor Artur case  The official written decision from Justice Adam Germain has been released, documenting the outrageous statements made

James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Hellscape vs. Freedonia

James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Hellscape vs. Freedonia by James Corbett, The Corbett Report, w/ James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy October 15, 2021   Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This

Future Debt Obligations = Human Bodies = Human Resources

Future Debt Obligations = Human Bodies = Human Resources by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star October 15, 2021   I rarely devote an entire blog to someone else’s op-ed, but today’s submission by M.L.A. falls into that category, because rarely have I seen the agenda of Mr. Globaloney set forth with more clarity, other
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