Global Manipulation, the New World Order, Global Governance

Lord Malloch Brown and Soros: The British Hand Behind the US Coup Revealed

Lord Malloch Brown and Soros: The British Hand Behind the US Coup Revealed by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights May 10, 2022   This week, I took the time to watch a new documentary produced by Dinesh D’Souza titled ‘2000 Mules’ which utilizes voluminous geotracking and video evidence to demonstrate conclusively the scope of the fraud which

Dr. Sam Bailey: On Health Freedom Advocates Who Attack Anyone Who Dares to Question Virus & Germ Theory | How RFK, Jr. Was Recently Drawn Into the Viral Existence Debate

Dr. Sam Bailey: On Health Freedom Advocates Who Attack Anyone Who Dares to Question Virus & Germ Theory | How RFK, Jr. Was Recently Drawn Into the Viral Existence Debate   Truth Comes to Light editor‘s note:  In the video below, Dr. Sam Bailey talks about specific attacks, coming from within the health freedom movement,

James Corbett: I Read Bill Gates’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!)

I Read Bill Gates’ New Book (So You Don’t Have To!) by James Corbett, The Corbett Report May 10, 2022   Have you read How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates yet? Well, I have, and let me tell you: it’s every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and risible as you would expect. Here
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Canada’s Justice Centre Retains Prominent Trial Lawyer to Defend Soldiers Who Refuse Covid Vaccine

Canada’s Justice Centre Retains Prominent Trial Lawyer to Defend Soldiers Who Refuse Covid Vaccine by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms May 4, 2022   TORONTO:  The Justice Centre has engaged lawyer Phillip Millar to represent serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who have declined the Covid vaccine on the basis of health concerns or conscientious objections.

Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, Fish, Pigs Euthanized; Crops Not Planted

Food Supply Shutdown: Deer, Fish, Pigs Euthanized; Crops Not Planted by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer May 4, 2022   An observing alien species would ask itself, “Why is humanity destroying ALL of their food sources?” In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian has a candid conversation about the overwhelming number of attacks on

Ricardo Maarman: ‘Show Us the Virus’ Movement Continues Its Legal Challenge to South African Government

Ricardo Maarman: ‘Show Us the Virus’ Movement Continues Its Legal Challenge to South African Government “We Won’t Be Deterred. We Will Grasp Onto the Truth and We Will Pursue It No Matter What, Hell or Highwater.” by Ricardo Maarman, Show Us the Virus Recorded April 28, 2022.  Uploaded to HWP Report on May 4, 2022

The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy: It’s a Short Leap From Smoke Signals to Brain Chips

The Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy It’s a Short Leap From Smoke Signals to Brain Chips by Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly May 4, 2022     Techno-optimists like to say humans are already cyborgs awaiting their next upgrade. Yesterday it was smartphones, today it’s virtual reality goggles, and tomorrow—the brain chip. With each new device,

Elon Musk: Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

Elon Musk: Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?  by Ryan Matters, New Brave World April 30, 2022   Recently, the news broke that Elon Musk (now the world’s richest man) acquired Twitter. Musk claims that he’s a “free speech absolutist” and his takeover of the company was motivated by his passion for
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MEP Christine Anderson Speaks Before the EU’s “COVID-19 Inquiry Committee”, Demanding an Investigation Into Human Rights Violations

MEP Christine Anderson Speaks Before the EU’s “COVID-19 Inquiry Committee”, Demanding an Investigation Into Human Rights Violations    Watch MEP Destroy Entire Covid Policy in 5 Minutes: ‘Time For Very Unpleasant Questions’ by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation May 2, 2022   “Covid ‘vaccines’ caused 20 times as many serious side effects and 23 times

Dr. Joseph Yi (StreetMD) with Drs. Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman & Mark Bailey: A Response to Claims by Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough & Ryan Cole That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated & Is a Disease-Causing Virus

Dr. Joseph Yi (StreetMD) with Drs. Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman & Mark Bailey: A Response to Claims by Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough & Ryan Cole That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated & Is a Disease-Causing Virus by Dr. Joseph Yi (StreetMD) sourced from Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee channel April 29, 2022   Dr Joseph Yi,