Global Manipulation, the New World Order, Global Governance

Dutch Farmers Protest Climate Policies They Say Could Drive Them Out of Business and Fuel Global Hunger Crisis

Dutch Farmers Protest Climate Policies They Say Could Drive Them Out of Business and Fuel Global Hunger Crisis Dutch farmers are protesting new climate policies they say will force them to kill off livestock and drive them out of business — policies which some argue also will drive up consumer food prices and contribute to

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With Christian Westrook: Manufactured Food Shortages — The Transhumanist/Eugenicist Coup D’Etat on Our Food Supply | The Globalist War Against Humanity & All of Nature

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With Christian Westrook: Manufactured Food Shortages — The Transhumanist/Eugenicist Coup D’Etat on Our Food Supply | The Globalist War Against Humanity & All of Nature   ‘The Defender Show’ Episode 58: Manufactured Food Shortages With Christian Westbrook by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Defender Show with Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer

How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA

How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA by Dr. Joseph Mercola July 6, 2022    Story At-a-Glance The “anti-disinformation” industry has nothing to do with protecting a gullible public from information that might cause them to make bad or unhealthy choices. It’s about creating and directing a narrative for the purpose

Dutch Farmers Spray Manure on Town Hall in Protest of Climate Plans — To Meet New Climate Goals, Farmers Will Be Forced Out of Business

Dutch Farmers Spray Manure on Town Hall in Protest of Climate Plans To Meet New Climate Goals, Farmers Will Be Forced Out of Business by Peter Imanuelsen, The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden July 1, 2022   In their infinite wisdom, the government of the Netherlands wants to impose new climate goals of reducing nitrogen output

The People Are Starving and the Skies Are Clear

The People Are Starving and the Skies Are Clear by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News July 5. 2022   Let me put this on the table: Inflation IS their climate change plan. That old broken down demented grifter, Joe Biden, said the price of gas at the pump was the doing of GAS STATION
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The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food

The Dutch Farmers’ Protest and the War on Food by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian July 2, 2022   This week, tens of thousands of farmers have gathered from all across the Netherlands to protest government policies which will reduce the number of livestock in the country by up to a third. In a typical example of
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Controlling the Savages: Covid, Lockdowns, Shortages, and The Great Reset

Controlling the Savages: Covid, Lockdowns, Shortages, and The Great Reset by Brandon Turbeville, sourced from Activist Post June 30, 2022   Who controls the food supply controls the people. Who controls the energy can control whole continents. Who controls money can control the whole world. – Henry Kissinger Around 1868, the Indian Wars had

Rockefeller Foundation ‘Reset the Table’ Report Predicted COVID-Related Food Crisis — 2 Years Before It Happened

Rockefeller Foundation ‘Reset the Table’ Report Predicted COVID-Related Food Crisis — 2 Years Before It Happened Just a few months into the COVID-19 pandemic — and almost two years before global health officials warned of a food shortage crisis — the Rockefeller Foundation issued a report predicting the crisis and offering up solutions, including “shifts

They’re Coming for Your Backyard Chickens…

They’re Coming for Your Backyard Chickens… by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian June 29, 2022   Since the “bird flu outbreak” first hit the headlines OffG has been predicting how the inevitable agenda would unfold. The first impact was as obvious as it was predictable – the price of chicken and eggs went up, this was just another
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Medical Dictatorship: Their Gender War

Medical Dictatorship: Their Gender War by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News June 27, 2022   I have a two-sentence introduction before we get to the guts of this story: Whenever a typical “liberal” college educated parent hears a doctor or medical bureaucrat utter a pronouncement, the parent, like a doomed trained monkey, AUTOMATICALLY replies,
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