Global Manipulation, the New World Order, Global Governance

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars” by  Brad Skistimas, Five Times August February 6, 2023    “Gates Behind The Bars” The wimp’s on the loose He’s bought all the land He’s out for revenge To hurt every man He’ll print all the food And drug every kid Pretend like he’s good

Plandemic Phase II: Admit Wrongdoing

Plandemic Phase II: Admit Wrongdoing by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing January 30, 2023   For those who have been following the Plandemic Playbook, we have now reached Phase II.  That is, officials admit to wrongdoing, after the fact. They are coming clean, by design, as part of the Script. The open disclosures are

The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian

The West Must Never Again Go Totalitarian by Joakim Book, Brownstone Institute January 26, 2023   The West can never again go totalitarian. We saw it happen generations ago. We fought two of humanity’s most destructive wars and faced the horror of industrial-scale extermination. Never again, said the world’s peoples in the late 1940s, and they

The Military-Industrial Complex

The Military-Industrial Complex by Mises Media, Mises Institute December 13, 2022    Shortly after becoming president, Dwight Eisenhower claimed that “every gun made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies theft from those who hunger and are not fed, are cold and not clothed.” Eight years later, Eisenhower warned Americans to “guard against the
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What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms?

What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms? The Dutch government said it plans to purchase and forcibly shut down up to 3,000 farms it deems “peak polluters” in order to cut ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions, but critics question the government’s motives. by The Defender Staff December 13, 2022   The Dutch

James Corbett on Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission by James Corbett, The Corbett Report December 13, 2022   In January of 2022, in the darkest days of the scamdemic, a miracle occurred: a trucker convoy traversed the length of Canada and descended on Ottawa to protest Canada’s vaccine mandates. The convoy galvanized freedom lovers across Canada and around the
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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Kip Warner on a Pending Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia, Canada

Legal Options in Canada – Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia by International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) December 11, 2022   In this first episode of “Impromptu” , Dr. Fuellmich talks with Kip Warner of Vancouver, British Columbia, about a pending class action lawsuit filed against the provincial health commissioner and the B.C. Crown challenging

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative by Rhoda Wilson, The Exposé December 12, 2022   Psychiatry has been the enforcer of choice used by strong-arm governments for as long as it has existed. After all, psychiatry is the perfect cover to make targeted individuals do what government wants. If psychiatry is

Jerm Warfare: Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate

Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate Why is a warmer climate something to fear? A colder Earth is way worse.  by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare December 12, 2022   Judith Curry is the president of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN) and previously the professor and chair of the School Of Earth And Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia