global cooperation

Dangerous Gaps: Knowledge, Action, and Justice

[Prefatory Note: The following essay was published on the website of This View of Life (TVOL) <>, which brings to bear the views of science and evolutionary biology on a series of global challenges increasingly overwhelming the capabilities of civilizational modernity. A series of related articles can be found on the TVOL website. My essay […]

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order
[Prefatory Note: This post consists of my responses to three recent interviews with the Iranian journalist, Javad Herian-Nia, and published previously in Iran over the course of the last month. The text of my responses has been modified by subsequent developments and further reflections on my part.]
1-What will be effects of coronavirus on the current world order?