Glenn Thrush

Obama Really, Really Wants To See Trump Defeated Next Year

When Glenn Thrush reported that Obama tried talking an increasingly less alert Biden out of jumping into the race for the Democratic nomination fearing his former VP could "damage his legacy," I wondered whose legacy that "his" referred to, Biden's or Obama's. "You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t," Obama told him.

The Trumpy-The-Clown Comedy Hour Returns To Prime Time TV

Republican commentator David Frum was busy on Twitter this weekend: "The White House has a communications problem: it doesn’t tell the truth. The way to fix the problem is not to hire more skillful liars. However, a communications strategy based on telling the truth is not practical when the truth is more lethal even than an exposed lie." According to the latest polling about two-thirds of Americans don't believe Trump's gaslighting or any of his bullshit.

So Will It Be Trumpy-the-Clown, Christie And Schumer Running The Show Together In DC?

This morning Trumpanzee tweeted to his 27 million followers to watch so-called "Judge" Jeanine on Fox tonight at 9pm. At exactly 9pm, she came on and what did she say? "Paul Ryan needs to step down. The reason? He failed to deliver the votes on his health care bill... The one that he had seven years to work on...