
IRELAND: Islamic Inspired Terrorism Development, or Gladio Symptomatic?

21st Century Wire says…
Since late 2015 Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic have been subjected to increased media attention surrounding the ‘possibility’ of an Daesh (Islamic State) inspired styled attack.
Daesh were reported to have issued a ‘chilling warning’ to Ireland who were included amongst the rest of the coalition fighting against Islamic State.

ClandesTime 104 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The Four Models - Spy Culture

Beginning a new series on the history of Al Qaeda, this week I provide the basis for what's coming in the next several episodes. What is or was Al Qaeda? Four distinct models have been proposed to try to answer this question so I outline each, drawing on the works of Rohan Gunaratna, Jason Burke/Adam Curtis, Nafeez Ahmed and Daniele Ganser.