Gladio Operation B

BFP EyeOpener Report: Sibel Edmonds on the CIA’s “Reverse Engineering” of Turkey’s Erdogan

In this exclusive interview for the Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener report, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds discusses her recent article, “Turkish PM Erdogan: The Speedy Transformation of an Imperial Puppet.” We talk about Erdogan’s falling out with Fethullah Gülen and the CIA, CIA’s Islamization Operations via USA-Based Imam Fethullah Gulen, the US Imperial Commandments, and how serviceable puppets are discarded by their shadow government masters when they reach their “expiration date.”

Desperate Attempts to Save the Myth of the War on Terror

Capture of Abu Anas al-Liby Highlights Real Masters of Terrorism
With the true nature of the proxy war in Syria being revealed more and more every day, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the United States and its allies to maintain the fraud that is the War on Terror.
The failed raid in Somalia and the capture of Abu Anas al-Liby in the Libyan capital Tripoli caught the attention of the media but will not save the false narrative. We just need to take a closer look at the background of al-Liby to understand how ridiculous the idea of a so-called ‘War on Terror’ is.

The EyeOpener Report- Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan

The Afghan war has provided NATO with access to control the $200+ Billion opium trade. The war has given NATO a key toe-hold in a geostrategic region, bordering perennial US target Iran as well as providing access to the key Central Asian nations- a vital area in NATO’s ongoing quest to encircle China and Russia. The occupation also affords the ISAF forces direct access to Afghanistan’s mineral resources, and the compliant Kabul regime is only too happy to allow multinational corporations access to those resources.