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PRE-ELECTION PURGE: Renan Santos of Free Brazil Movement (MBL) says ‘Facebook’s actions are censorship’

On Episode #243 of the Sunday Wire Radio Show, Renan Santos, co-founder of the mercurial Free Brazil Movement (MBL), South America’s largest Libertarian-Conservative-Rightwing coalition political movement, condemned Facebook’s recent actions against the supporters of Movimento Brasil Livre as censorship of free speech.

Exposing the Shakespearean tragedy of the “Russia Hacking” hoax

Sunday Wire host Patrick Henningsen delivers another blow to the “Resistance” exposing the Shakespearean tragedy of the “Russia Hacking” hoax and explains why Hillary Rodham Clinton might have very well been one of the worse presidential candidates in US history – as well as why it’s wrong for US federal government to brand RT America as a “foreign agent.” Enjoy the rant…