Germar Rudolf

Banned Books Week: No sympathy for books banned by Amazon

Banned Books Week official has no sympathy for revisionist books banned by AmazonBy Michael Hoffman • RevisionistHistory.orgIn the wake of our article on “Books Banned by Banned Books Week”—concerning “Holocaust denial” volumes policed out of the banned category—we received an e-mail from James LaRue, director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, which administers

Fredrick Töben and Robert Faurisson on Fritz Berg

Fredrick Töben and I have recently exchanged comments via e-mail, which I reproduce here in their entirety.July 10, RF to FTThank you, Fredrick, for defending me. Very best wishes.July 11, FT to RFRobert, I just don’t understand why Fritz continues in this mode – without Faurisson there is no Revisionism; without Berg, there is relief for Revisionists.Your presence and your work is vital – as it was for me those many years ago when we first met!

Fredrick Töben and Robert Faurisson on Fritz Berg

Fredrick Töben and I have recently exchanged comments via e-mail, which I reproduce here in their entirety.July 10, RF to FTThank you, Fredrick, for defending me. Very best wishes.July 11, FT to RFRobert, I just don’t understand why Fritz continues in this mode – without Faurisson there is no Revisionism; without Berg, there is relief for Revisionists.Your presence and your work is vital – as it was for me those many years ago when we first met!

Remembering Bradley Smith

BRADLEY SMITH  |  1930-2016Libertarian Free Spirit was Masterful Revisionist Writer and ActivistBradley SmithBy Michael Bradley Reed Smith, a pioneer of revisionist history journalism, has died at the age of 86. I came to know Bradley when he worked for me when I served as Assistant Director of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in Torrance California in 1985.

Der totale Sieg der Revisionisten auf historischem und wissenschaftlichem Gebiet

In Frankreich und dem Rest der Welt wissen Historiker oder „Holocaust“-Spezialisten nicht mehr, was sie den Argumenten der Revisionisten entgegensetzen sollen. Übrigens ist es – um meinen eigenen Fall zur Sprache zu bringen – der Justiz meines Landes, die von dem Dogma blind ergebenen Vereinigungen unablässig aufgefordert wird, mich aufgrund nachgewiesener Sachfehler zu verurteilen, seit 1978, also seit 37 Jahren, niemals gelungen, in meinen Schriften oder Erklärungen auch nur die geringste Spur von Leichtsinn, Nachlässigkeit, bewusster Ignoranz, Fehlern, Fälschungen oder Lügenzu finden.

The revisionists’ total victory on the historical and scientific level

In France and in the rest of the world historians and specialists of “the Holocaust” no longer know what to answer to the revisionists’ arguments. And to speak only of my own case, which has been going on since 1978 (that is, for some thirty-seven years), never has my country’s justice system, despite the tireless requests by self-righteous associations to rule against me on the substance of my writings or statements, been able to note therein the least trace of any rashness, negligence, deliberate ignorance, falsehood, falsification or lying.

La vittoria totale dei revisionisti sul piano storico e scientifico

In Francia e nel resto del mondo, storici o specialisti dell’"Olocausto"; non sanno più cosa rispondere agli argomenti dei revisionisti. D’altra parte, nel mio caso, mai, dal 1978, cioè in trentasette anni, la giustizia del mio paese, instancabilmente pregata di condannarmi in merito, da pie associazioni, è stata capace di trovare nei miei scritti o nelle mie dichiarazioni la minima traccia che sia di leggerezza, di negligenza, d’ignoranza deliberata, di falso, di falsificazione o di menzogna.