George Washington Bridge

Can Governor Krispy and his coven of legal KrispyKronies successfully cover up the Bridgegate cover-up?

Amazing! Somebody at Crain's has the idea (click to enlarge) that the Big Rat Bastard Gummer of NJ was "acquitted of all charges in Bridgegate in March 2014"! Is this just sniveling incompetence, or aiding and abetting the Big Rat Bastard's cover-up?by Ken"Acquitted of all charges"?

New Jersey USA kicks up the heat on Bridgegate Krispykronies, and we learn some nasty new stuff

It remains to be seen how badly David Wildstein, who pled guilty today to a menu of federal charges, can hurt his old high school pal, Governor KenIt wasn't a happy day for His Eminence the Rat Bastard Satrap of New Jersey Kris Krispy, which by itself is cause for celebration among decent folk everywhere.

All The Evidence-- That Hasn't Been Hidden-- Points To One Thing: Christie Should Go To Prison

Rachel Maddow's show last night-- another Chris Christie special-- was absolutely fantastic. I bet Christie wishes he could throw her in prison and throw away the key. She roasted him and his phony baloney high--priced "exoneration" slowly and meticulously over an open pit. There'sa 22 minute chunk of it below.

It May Be Ted Cruz Week At CPAC But Today Is Chris Christie Day

Always one of the craziest media circuses on the calendar, CPAC opens today at National Harbor, Maryland. Chris Christie waddled up to the podium about an hour late-- after lead-off candidates Ted Cruz, who talked about term, limits, "petrotyrants" (though not the Koch brothers) and abolishing the IRS, and Paul Ryan, who talked about being Irish. Although he conspicuously not invited last year-- too kissy-kissy with the demonized Obama-- the martyrdom of being caught breaking the law has made him a much sought after celebrity in Crazy Conservative World this year.

Christie Still Lying His Ass Off-- "It's Just A Game Of Gotcha"

CPAC hasn't liked Chris Christie. They saw him as too mainstream or even "moderate." Now they see him as a potential cause célèbre that can be turned into a fundraising bonanza for right-wing groups hoping to milk their base of Foxified saps. Yesterday's Christian Science Monitor pointed out that right-wingers from Paul Ryan and Bobby Jindal to Hate Talk Radio sociopaths Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, who haven't appreciated Christie 'til now, are part of his cheering squad.

Maybe Christie And His Mafia Pal Michael Grimm Can Be Roomies In The Federal Pen

No one who reads DWT regularly wasn't already sure that Chris Christie directed the scandal now known as Bridge-gate. And of course he's been orchestrating the entire cover-up. Friday night, the NY Times broke the story that Christie has been lying his ass off from day one-- which only fools didn't already know.

Chris Christie's Political Ambitions: Dead In The Water-- And Getting Deader

On Meet The Press yesterday, Chris Matthews ended the segment on the rapidly expanding Chris Christie scandal by pointing out that Christie's greatest hit in the eyes of the general public was how much of an activist, on-the-ground leader he was when Hurricane Sandy devastated wide swathes of New Jersey. Matthews pointed out the incongruity of Christie's supposed nowhere-to-be-found posture when his aides shut down the George Washington Bridge for 4 days.

Though Christie Didn't Put It There, New Jersey Does Have A Severed Horse's Head On It's State Flag

The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on FacebookAs a service to people who watch Fox News, which has made a great effort to block out the unfolding Chris Christie scandal, here's what happened today to their shockingly incompetent hero-- aside from this, of course:Chris Christie succeeded at one thing in his press conference