George W

Storm Clouds Gathering

Government is bad for personal freedom. That argument is premised upon the truism that everything government does interferes with freedom because it either prohibits or compels. Everything it owns it has taken from others. Much of what it says is divorced from the truth. President Obama, like President George W. Bush, has argued that his [...]

US drone strikes illegal – Pakistani court

RT | May 10, 2013

A high court in Pakistan has ruled that US drone strikes in the country’s tribal belt should be considered war crimes, since the attacks resulted in the deaths of innocent people.
The Peshawar High Court has recommended the Pakistani government advance a resolution against the attacks in the United Nations. The court issued its verdict on the CIA-run air strikes in response to four petitions charging the attacks killed civilians and caused “collateral damage.”

Protest Against Texas-Israel Day May 8th 2013 At 930AM, In Front Of The State Legislature In Austin Texas!

I recently put up a very interesting article that comes from the Liberty Fight website, at, showing my absolute disgust in the idea that the Texas State Legislature in Austin Texas is going ahead and proclaiming tomorrow, May 8th, 2013, as Texas-Israel Day!  It is indeed a sad day for the proud people of Texas when these traitors in their own government show their true allegiance... NOT to the United States, but to the criminal and psychotic state of Israel....Well...