George Packer

Two Countries-- Lots Of Antipathy-- Falling Apart

  The U.S. reported 108,389 new cases of COVID today-- and another 1,201 deaths. Early tomorrow the U.S. will cross the 240,000 deaths mark, a memorial to the worst president in history, soon to be the ex-president. You know how sometimes the living presidents all get together for something or other? Do you think Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama would ever invite Trump to one of those?

The Nature Of Conservatism Explains The Profound Corruption Of The Republican Party

Posted in a MAGA/GOP corner of Reddit yesterdayDon't bet on anything more coming out of this beyond what came out of the no-follow-through-kvetching we got from Flake, Sasse and Corker but on New Year's Day the Washington Post published an OpEd by Senator-elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) reminding readers that "Trump was not my choice for the Republican presidential nomination" and that "on balance, his conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions this

Just for the record, we all know that the Ooh That Damn Obama Party was never going to play nice with the president, don't we?

Yeah, theze guyz wuz really gonna do a heapa cooperatin' with Ooh That Damn Obama."[Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch] McConnell's conciliatory statements are encouraging, but he's about to discover that he cannot persuade Republican Senators and Congressmen to cooperate on anything constructive. We're about to get two years of intense, horrifying stupidity.

"In a larger sense the Republicans have ben winning for the past three years, if not the past thirty" (George Packer)

What most "real" Americans "know," as they've "known" since the days of St. Ronald of Reagan, is that government is the enemy, and anything that's bad for the government is good for "real" Americans."The government shutdown is over. National default has been averted, for now. According to an estimate by Standard and Poor's, the Tea Party's brinkmanship cost the American economy twenty-four billion dollars -- more than half a percentage point of quarterly growth.