George Orwell

What Everyone Is Missing About the Comey Scandal

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) Given the tone of political reportage over the last month and the breathless coverage of James Comey’s hearing yesterday, you would have thought President Donald Trump had diminished the power of a co-equal branch of government or violated some basic protection in the Bill of Rights, upsetting the delicate balance that renders the United States a nation governed by laws and not men.

200 Theaters Just Screened Orwell’s 1984 Because 2017 Is Dystopian af

(ANTIMEDIA) As team Trump gears up to welcome the Chinese president at the end of the week — and as it’s forced to deal with a profound piece of anti-government vandalism burned into a Donald Trump property — nearly 200 theaters around the world simultaneously screened the film version of Orwell’s 1984 on Tuesday.

CrossTalk: WikiLeaks Vault 7 with Guests Patrick Henningsen, Larry Johnson, Suzanne Nossel

21st Century Wire says…
Vault 7: what does it mean to America, and the expectations of of rights and privacy for the average citizen? Is the CIA’s covert hacking program an affront to the US Constitution? Are we at as dark place in western a society?
CrossTalk: Wikileaks strikes again. On full display are the CIA’s spy tools and methods. Snowden provided a briefing book on U.S. surveillance, but the CIA leaks could provide the blueprints. And your Samsung TV and iPhone are a big part of this.

Black Op Radio episode 823

Tom Secker and I were recently guests on Len Osanic’s Black Op Radio. We discussed The CIA and Hollywood series and specifically our episode on The Quiet American and Edward Lansdale. We discuss the theory that Lansdale was acting as a former ad-executive and was attempting to sell war in South East Asia. Tom and I also talk about the CIA’s use of George Orwell as propaganda, Charlie Wilson, and why government interference in cinema and culture is so dangerous.