George Orwell

Orwell: Neocon Icon

How do you explain the fact that the John Birch Society used 1984 as its main office telephone number in the 1960s? Or that both Animal Farm and 1984, are force-fed to virtually the entire western world in people’s formative years in their teens, even as Big Brother jacks up repression and surveillance, and pursues ever more cruel and senseless wars?
A look at Orwell’s weaknesses reveals how Big Brother turn the tables on him, getting the last laugh.

La novlangue de George Orwell, un instrument de domination. Par Yann Lagarde

Source : France culture, Yann Lagarde, 07-06-2019
Comment la langue peut-elle devenir un instrument de domination ? C’est la question que se pose George Orwell dans “1984” avec la novlangue imposée par le pouvoir. Jean-Jacques Rosat, professeur de philosophie et éditeur, explique comment Orwell tente de nous prévenir des dangers du “prêt-à-parler”.

Does Humanity Deserve to Be Extinct?

Time is up! All humans, men and women, are guilty as charged! Guilty of abusing other species and the natural world we depend on; guilty, either by greed or ignorance, of abusing other species that sustain our own and driving them to expedient extinction. Wild life, big and small, is briskly moving towards a vanishing point. From the seas to the land and the skies, the global species disappearing act has reached a catastrophic and probably unstoppable momentum.

China, 1984 and the New World Order…?

I noticed something curious recently, nestled away in one of the newspapers: that the Chinese government has apparently banned the classic book 1984  by George Orwell. There’s something that kind of speaks for itself when an oppressive government bans not just any old book, but something as specific as 1984. Orwell’s Animal Farm has also […]