George Floyd

Palestine Can’t Breathe

Another cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians has been announced ending another round of violent assault on the latter. The settler-colonial Jewish government in Israel killed 275 Palestinians, 248 of them in the Gaza Strip, 26 in the West Bank and Jerusalem, 1 inside Israel, including 66 children in Gaza, and at least 6,200 others […]
The post Palestine Can’t Breathe first appeared on Dissident Voice.

No-Go Zone: Saint George Anniversary, BLM Problems & Judeo-Supremacy vs Islamo-Fascism

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik covers some of the latest news and recent events in episode 55 of No-Go Zone.
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Surveillance, Policing, and Algorithms

Since the brutal murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis Police at the onset of last summer, there has been a resurgence of political energy amongst the American population centered on significantly reforming policing in the United States. Ranging from demilitarization to defunding, there has been no shortage of policy proposals issued by an endless […]
The post Surveillance, Policing, and Algorithms first appeared on Dissident Voice.