George Bush

European leaders see blond Bush not Obama redux

Under George Bush, Europe largely united against his war on Iraq in an extremely rare moment of unity. It hearkened back to the days of Charles de Gaulle in France and Willy Brandt in West Germany, two leaders for whom  US policy didn’t automatically dictate eidetic policies from the primary capitals of late 20th century non-Communist Europe.
Under Obama, leaders like Merkel, Sarkozy and later Hollande were more or less foreign policy mouthpieces of the White House. Britain traditionally followed the US throughout both the Bush and Obama presidencies.

How western elites conspire to kill free speech: The Clear Channel Memorandum

There are many examples of the contempt the western elite harbour towards their own citizens. Some of the most poignant examples, however, are not expressed in government policy but in the subtle ways that the media toes an unofficial government line, doing something legislation could not so rapidly do, control, numb and confuse the hearts and minds of ordinary people.

‘Great Humanitarian’: Clintons Mourn Rockefeller

(ANTIMEDIA) Social Media was set ablaze Monday morning with articles announcing the death of 101-year-old David Rockefeller. While most in the comment sections were not mourning the loss of the former chief executive of Chase Manhattan bank, political figures from both sides of the aisle felt compelled to publicly express their sympathies for the deceased billionaire.

Iraq in 2003, Syria today. Similar war crimes, opposite reactions from liberals. (VIDEO)

In 2003, George W. Bush and Anthony Blair sold their illegal war to a frothing mainstream media on the basis that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (lie), Iraqis wanted the West liberate them from their government (lie…even among Saddam opponents), Iraq was a hotbed of terrorism (outrageous lie) and Iraq directly threatened world stability (insane lie).
Many people who opposed the war and its accompanying lies carried placards with slogans including, ‘No blood for oil’, ‘Not in my name’, ‘Bush lied Iraqis died’ and so on.

WMD, Iraq invasion, war criminal George W. Bush blasts Trump for his “muslim ban” [Video]

The Democrat party has sunk so low that they are now parading around George W. Bush as the face of peace, compassion, and unity.
Former POTUS Bush is calling for America to respect Islam, and be inclusive of muslim immigrants and refugees…which is a fine and worthy cause except for one tiny problem. George W. Bush tore the Middle East apart with his fabricated and illegal invasion of Iraq, slaughtering (by some estimates) over 1.5 million muslim men, women and children.

5 examples of how the film Team America: World Police predicted the future in 2004.

In 2004, at the height of George W. Bush’s Iraq war crime, South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone released a film that remains a modern masterwork of political satire.
Team America: World Police simultaneously lampoons and lambasts American foreign policy, the liberal Hollywood elite, jihadism and North Korea, all without fear or favour.