
On The Failure Of The Ukrainian Counterattack

from Moon Of Alabama: This is not the outcome the war propagandists expected: [General Petreus] spoke about the situation in Ukraine to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.On the counteroffensive, he said: I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive. My sense is that they will achieve combined arms effects in other words, they […]

BREAKING: Putin holds up a peace agreement that Ukraine & Russia signed over a YEAR ago, in spring 2022.

BREAKING: Putin holds up a peace agreement that Ukraine & Russia signed over a YEAR ago, in spring 2022. Not one word of this in mainstream media. Russians are signalling they want a diplomatic settlement. Why isn’t this welcomed? How can they claim Russia sabotaged the talks? — Richard Medhurst (@richimedhurst) June 17, 2023

The Flawed Math of the Elites and Joe Biden – Shiny Metal Futures

How straightforward is simple math? If the public relied more on adding things up, the manufactured consent perpetrated by the elites in the West would be impossible. Take the recent Russian gold movements as a perfect example. Various propaganda channels reported last year that the European Union and G7 wanted to ban Russia’s gold shipments […]

Gee, Thanks America! U.S. Sanctions Make Russian Economy Stronger and Precipitate Multipolar World

from Strategic Culture: The paradoxical thing is that U.S. and European sanctions against Russia while intended to cripple the Russian economy have made the stronger. Russia’s economy is performing strongly, according to recent forecasts from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The outcome defies earlier predictions by the United States and its European allies […]

As Russia Prepares To Use Tactical Nukes, Millions Of You Don’t Even Realize You Are Going To Die In A Third World War

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: What is it going to take to wake people up?  Russia is deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, and there is lots of talk in the Russian media about using such weapons to bring a quick end to the war in Ukraine.  The theory is that once […]

Singapore hosted another Shangri-La Dialogue

On June 2-4, Singapore hosted another (already the 20th in a row) Shangri-La Dialogue (SLD), which is held annually by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies. Judging by the composition of participants and the range of issues discussed, this is one of the most reputable international expert platforms, which examines various aspects of security […]

The Biden Administration’s Plan to Empower Mexican Cartels

by Preserving American Freedom, Breitbart: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is set to unleash significant rule changes disguised as public health initiatives, which would empower Mexican drug cartels and arm them with a lucrative new revenue stream. The rule changes would essentially ban all cigarettes, starting with an outright ban on menthol-flavored cigarettes […]