
Does Putin Understand that Russia Is at War?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts: This morning Russian media sources reported that a Ukrainian followup attack to the one on the Crimea bridge by 28 drones was defeated by Russian air defenses.  In response, Russia destroyed the manufacturing sites of the drones and fuel storage facilities that provide fuel for Ukraine’s military.  The two words, […]

Swiss Government Plans to Lock Away Secrets on Credit Suisse Collapse for 50 Years

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade: The “Deep State” is increasingly feeling like the “Deep Banking State.” Try to get any meaningful information to unravel the corrupt and dangerous interconnections between global banking behemoths today and some government or other entity has slapped a padlock on the information. The latest example […]

The Incredible Shrinking NATO

by Dmitry Orlov, Boosty: I’ve been waiting for the hubbub to die down since the NATO conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 11-12 July 2023, waiting for someone — anyone — to point out the obvious reason for why the Ukraine’s cocaine-sniffing mascot-president Zelensky, having been lionized only a year ago, has suddenly fallen into disfavor […]

The Amazing Predictive Programming in Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning 1 Explained – Jay Dyer

Today we will cover the profound elements of predictive programming in the recent Tom COOM smash hit, Mission Impossible 7. Dead Reckoning represents the reminiscent nostalgia we all have for classic action films and good filmmaking. On top of the film being a good film, we also have a deeply relevant esoteric / technocratic plot! […]

India’s Modi Meets Biden – U.S. Screw Turners Squirm Some More

The United States leadership is squirming to resolidify ties with parts of the world that either bombed, invaded, or marginalized in recent decades. The prime example of marginalization is India. However, without the current gigantic trade surpluses boosting Indian confidence in America, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have to do much less tightrope-walking between Washington […]

Ukraine Front Line is “Horror. Genocide. Slaughter”, Says Irish “Rambo” Who Is Leaving after 17 Months

by Richard Abelson, The Gateway Pundit: Sky News international correspondent John Sparks spoke to an Irish volunteer, Rhys Byrne, who has been fighting on the frontline in the east of Ukraine for 17 months and is now leaving Ukraine “due to witnessing atrocities,” Sparks reports. Byrne called the fighting he witnessed “horrific.” “On ‘Zero Line’ […]

Pearly Things: Occult Feminism – How FEMINISM Infiltrated RELIGION: Pearl, Rachel, Jay, Tim & Glenn

Pearl Davis invited me on with Rachel and Tim and Glenn to cover the occult roots of feminism and how it has infiltrated the religious world. Pearl is here: I will be doing a panel discussion and book signing at Heroes Force Gaming & Comic Con in Benton, KY with Game of Thrones Artist […]