Gennady Gatilov

ZAKHAROVA: Russia aware of possible locations for false flag attack

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has called America’s bluff in naming two possible locations in northwest Idlib Governorate where a possible chemical weapons false flag attack could occur. She named Saraqib and Ariha as two probable locations where terrorists could stage a false flag attack. Idlib is one of the few places west of the Euphrates where terrorists still occupy and control a considerable amount of  Syrian territory.
Zakharova stated,

“Indeed, there is new intel. We believe that this staging, this provocation is being prepared”.

Russia condemns America’s attack on Syrian and allied forces

Russia has responded to yesterday’s illegal US coalition airstrike by condemning it in the harshest terms.
Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov issued the following statement,

“Any military actions leading to the aggravation of the situation in Syria definitely affect the political process. Especially if such actions are committed against the Syrian armed forces… This is totally unacceptable; it is a violation of Syrian sovereignty. Of course, it does not help the political process”.

UN Security Council debates further sanctions on North Korea

The United Nations Security Council has met to debate US proposals on further sanctions against North Korea. Although the US adopted a serious tone, it nevertheless is symptomatic of a climb-down from last week’s overt military threats.
READ MORE: Trump climbs down on China, North Korea. No military action threatened
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson used harsh language to describe the American position saying,

3 countries which stand to gain from Kurdish separatism

Speaking in Geneva, Gennady Gatilov, Sergei Lavrov’s deputy at the Russian Foreign Ministry, gave a brief statement to the press, clarifying Russia’s much misunderstood position regarding a Syrian peace settlement.
Gatilov is a gentle, soft spoken man.  At times he is too gentle, as many in Russia tend to be when faced with the onslaught of both western imperial aggression as well as the terrorist aggression of foreign fighters, currently plaguing the territory of their Syrian ally.