General Michael Flynn

Russiagate hoax blown wide open as Schiff’s lies compared with transcripts [Video]

This news this piece carries is so important that we include two videos with it. The Russiagate hoax was blown to bits on Friday, May 8th. V-E Day in the West might well be also called V-T day for the United States. Honestly, it ought to be V-T day for the world, and for Russia in particular, because now, more than ever, the folly of sanctions is obvious.

UK based spy outs himself as Russiagate hoax unfolds (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the unfolding case against Cambridge professor and reported FBI spy Stefan Halper, who is being sued by Russian-born academic, Svetlana Lokhova, for allegedly smearing her and former national security adviser Michael Flynn as part of a government conspiracy to bring down the Trump administration.

Proof that the FBI’s indictment of Flynn was a set up, a trap to destroy Trump

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General Michael Flynn cuts ties with Trump’s legal team…is he about to flip?

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller​’s Investigation of Michael Flynn Could Be More Damaging to Mueller Than to Flynn

Flynn was hired by the Turkish government to gather information on Fethullah Gulen, a radical Islamic cleric who has links to terrorism. Flynn's investigation was perfectly legal. However, when Mueller was head of the FBI, he closed down the FBI's own investigation of Gulen and quashed the testimony of an FBI whistleblower who tried to expose these facts. [...]

Meuller witch-hunt is closing in on Michael Flynn and his ties to Turkey’s Erdogan (Video)

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