Very Interesting Interview! Music, Mind Control & Psychobiology Pt 1
Extremely interesting interview. Lots to contemplate. I've listened twice already!Hat tip to Jan @ Gnostic Media for providing us all this great interview.
Extremely interesting interview. Lots to contemplate. I've listened twice already!Hat tip to Jan @ Gnostic Media for providing us all this great interview.
This is not a post about “ Stairway to Heaven”- That doesn't mean we can't listen to the song before we jump into this topic. An 8 minute musical intro. Or listen as you read, whatever!Brief digression: I absolutely hated this song in my younger years- It was so overplayed, I cringed when it came on the radio!So your either listening to this or have listened and are reading attentively?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused the West of destabilizing Syria by supporting Kurdish “terrorist groups,” while bombing Arabs and Turkmens.
I like this Mark Hackard. He's interesting
I wouldn't assume Dave is out of the woods, but, this latest news was certainly much more positive then previous reports:So here we go!
In the post from yesterday I stated: " I'm less inclined to believe this has much to do with Israel."Here's why: Palestinians dropped their bid to ban Israel from FIFA days ago!! It was reported May 29th/2015 that the Palestinian delegation withdrew their challenge- So, how could that issue have been a factor in the sudden resignation of Sepp Blatter? If anything this resolution between Israel and the Palestinians should have bolstered Blatter's presidency, but, it didn't.This fact su
From the day I began this blog Dave McGowan (uberfave) has been a constant in the sidebar of the blog. He became known to me via his appearances on Meria- the mouth that roars I can't say with any certainty how many years ago I first heard him talking up his writings?It likely had to be around the time he published his first book -Derailing Democracy So that was at least 13 years ago???
One would never know that from all the AGW hype and computer models that simply haven't panned out- This information was come by the hard way- Real world data was gathered over a period of time. Considering how dam cold the past few years have been in most of the North American continent alongside many other areas of the globe this seems a timely articleDigression begins: It’s late May here and guess what?