General Election

A June 8th Conspiracy Theory – Is THERESA MAY Planning to Lose the Election…?

I had a thought in recent days – concerning the June 8th election. And then I had a look online and realised other people had been having the same thought: specifically, the possibility that Theresa May and the Tories are deliberately hoping to lose this election. It had been occurring to me for some weeks […]

Theresa May “in another galaxy” on Brexit

As Britain gears up to a general election which everyone assumes the Conservative Party will win by a landslide, the British media today is full of a story of a meeting between British Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, which is said to have gone disastrously badly, and which supposedly led to Juncker reporting to German Chancellor Merkel that May is “in another galaxy”.

‘Crush the Saboteurs’, Neutralise Parliament & Set Up a One-Party State…?

Theresa May’s sudden call for a General Election – to be held on June 8th – caught many by surprise. Having previously said on multiple occasions that she didn’t intend to hold another election, she suddenly changed her mind. The question is why. Some have quickly suggested that, aside from seeking to strengthen her mandate […]