GEG Commentary

Minneapolis Mayor Frey Begs for Bailout, Rejects Mob Pressure to Defund Police

Mayor Frey is asking for a bail out for damages estimated at $55-million after he allowed the police department to be burnt down and riots. The city council is considering disbanding its police department and replacing it with staff from the BLM and Antifa who would terrorize anyone who objected to the new regime.

Oregon Governor Extends Lockdown to July 6th Despite Only 104 COVID Deaths

Oregon Governor Kate Brown has extended the state’s lockdown two more months until July 6th. Oregon has had 104 deaths, some of which likely were caused by something other than COVID-19. [Obviously, there is a very dark political agenda being played out across the nation, and it has nothing to do with public health.]

Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus – The Good and the Bad

This is one of the best investigative documentaries ever produced. However, it omits the role played by forces inside the US such as the CDC, the pharmaceutical industry, the Deep State, the US media, fake death statistics, deliberate destruction of the economy, or tycoon American billionaires such as Bill Gates.