Geert Wilders

Marine Le Pen to unite all Eurosceptics at ‘Freedom for Europe’ conference

The “Freedom for Europe” conference is set to take place on January 21 in Koblenz, Germany. The event is being organized by the Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) movement, and will bring together Eurosceptics from Germany, France, Italy, Belgium and and the Netherlands.
ENF is a political alliance of Eurosceptics in the European Parliament. It was setup back in 2015 and currently unites 40 MEPs from different EU countries and parties. The largest party of the group is France’s National Front, representing half of ENF’s MEPs.

Holland's Leading Candidate For Prime Minister Was Just Convicted Of Inciting Hatred Against Muslims

Maybe because I lived in Amsterdam for 4 years and write about the politics there from time to time, I like to think that DWT readers were familiar with Dutch neo-fascist Geert Wilders even before he noisily aligned with Trump and even before Trump went from being a national joke to being a national tragedy.

Dutch intel probed right-wing Geert Wilders over Israel ties – report

RT | December 5, 2016 Dutch secret services conducted an investigation into suspicions that Geert Wilders, head of the anti-Islam Party for Freedom, was strongly influenced by top Israeli military and political figures, according to reports in the Netherlands. Wilders, the firebrand leader of the Dutch far-right Party for Freedom (PVV), was investigated by the […]

How Harshly Will Voters Deal With The GOP Because Of Trump?

Yesterday, Joe Scarborough said he thinks Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan need to withdraw their endorsements of Trumpy-the-Clown and tell their members to do likewise. "He's so self consumed, it's just breathtaking... You've got to cut him loose." Watch that video up top of the segment; it's pretty remarkable for a center-right show like Morning Joe.

American Republican Party Hatred And Bigotry Finds Fertile Ground In Europe

Last month Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders was back in America, talking to rabid right-wing Republicans about one of their favorite topics-- and his: Islamophobia. He spoke at the Four Seasons in New York City. I wonder if he called his party the New Nazi Party, instead of the Netherlands Party For Freedom, the Four Seasons would welcome him as a speaker. Probably. "I come to America with a mission," he began.