
Deleting a Gene Stops Mice From Overeating – Are Humans Next?

John Hopkins University researchers believe they’ve found a nerve cell that may serve as a “switch” that tells the brain it’s time to put down the fork and walk away from that second helping of chocolate cake.
The nerve cell, discovered in mice, could be a useful tool in the fight against obesity… if you don’t mind becoming a genetically modified human.

General Mills to Label ALL Products with GMOs, Thanks to Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law

A watershed moment has just occurred in food transparency. General Mills (GM), the same company that tried to impair genetically modified food-labeling by donating more than a million dollars to defeat legislation in several states, is about to label its products containing genetically modified ingredients.

BIG News! Senate Refuses DARK Act, Protects Americans’ Right to Know

Big News! The Senate just made the right decision in voting AGAINST a food bill that would effectively ruin GMO labeling across the country and keep Americans in the dark about what they are eating.
The bill, appropriately deemed the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know act), would halt states’ decisions to enact mandatory GMO labeling.

Breaking: Big Food Giant Guilty of Money Laundering in GMO Labeling Stunt

A landmark case about the dirty-money and politics that go into keeping Big Food and Big Biotech afloat was just decided.
Judge Anne Hirsch awarded a summary judgment in a suit brought against the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association by Attorney General Bob Ferguson, finding the GMA guilty of a money laundering scheme that shielded members’ identities as they helped to defeat Washington’s 2013 GMO labeling ballot initiative, I-522, with their donations.

FDA Will Likely Release GM Mosquitoes North of Key West

Genetically modified mosquitoes designed to limit the spread of the Zika virus will likely soon be unleashed in the southern United States, as the federal government said today decided to permit a field test in the Florida Keys.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it had made a preliminary determination that the GM mosquitoes are unlikely to harm humans, animals, or the environment.

Hawaii Citizens Beat Monsanto, Bypass ‘Right to Spray’ Pesticides Bill

Residents of the Hawaiian Islands just breathed a sigh of relief – literally, as the deadline passed for Hawaii’s House Judiciary Committee to hear House Bill 849, relating to Right to Farm, that would force residents to succumb to pesticide spraying without any say. All the while, companies like Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and BASF use Hawaii land as a testing ground for GM crops.

Monsanto’s GM Wheat in Development Despite Consumer Push Back

Some think that with minimal market saturation, GM wheat could become a strong seller in the US, just like genetically modified corn, soy, canola oil, cottonseed, and other GM crops. Monsanto ditched the efforts to develop this particular crop 10 years ago, but has relatively recently begun working to create a new strain of the crop. Why the sudden interest again in GM wheat? [1]