
5 Ways to Defund Monsanto Through Universities

Whether you’re a University student or just a concerned anti-Monsanto activist, your voice is vitally important when it comes to getting rid of genetically modified foods from the world supply. All it takes is a few courageous steps to let your university or college know that you don’t support investments in Monsanto and other biotech companies.
Following are several ways to get your institution of higher education to divest from one of the most hated companies on the planet:

Flashback: Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Supports Monsanto

As Hillary Clinton gears up to enter the 2016 presidential race as announced today by her beyond viral Twitter post, we are reminded of her 2014 public appearance – in which she announced public support of Monsanto’s GMO seeds and chemicals. Chemicals like Roundup which was recently confirmed by the WHO to be causing cancer.

US Farmers Going Out of Business Due to GM Crop Contamination

If you’re a farmer who wants to grow any crops that aren’t owned by the biotech industry, you had better be ready to burn some money. At least this is what organic farmers are saying, who are trying to grow organic crops but can’t due to pollen drift and cross-pollination. That’s right: GMO crops are contaminating the organic crops we’re fighting so hard to keep.

New Study: GE Crops DON’T Increase Crop Yields

A new study published by the Environmental Working Group has revealed that biotech’s claims concerning higher crop yields are based on a bunch of hot air.
How’s this high-flying claim made by the Biotechnology Industry organization:

“Agricultural biotechnology continues to increase crop yield and farmer income worldwide while supporting the environment.”

Dr. Oz Slams Glyphosate, Monsanto, and Regulators Allowing its Release

To honor April 7th as World Health Day, Dr. Oz covered the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent classification of the herbicide glyphosate as a possible carcinogen. As his record shows in the past, Dr. Oz is known to flip-flop and ride the fence of hot button health tops. Often times he ends up on the wrong side of right, yet for this episode, Dr. Oz gave the public a fair and accurate portrayal of Monsanto’s flagship carcinogenic product, glyphosate.

Poll: 90% of Ohio Citizens Want GMO Foods to be Labeled

Whether you’re for, against, or undecided on genetically modified foods, there is one thing that individuals in all categories agree on: label them! Following numerous other states in the US, a poll has found the majority population in Ohio don’t like genetically engineered foods, and 87% of them want foods containing GMO ingredients to be labeled.