
WHO About to Deliver Huge Blow to Companies Like Monsanto

When the World Health Organization recently declared that the herbicide ingredient glyphosate was ‘probably carcinogenic,’ numerous countries responded with bans, serious inquiries, and boycotts of Monsanto’s Roundup. Now, the WHO is now set to review another Big Ag chemical, 2,4-D, just three months after Monsanto was delivered news it couldn’t swallow. You can bet Big Ag is nervous.

Danish Authority Calls Glyphosate a Human Carcinogen

A Danish authority has now declared glyphosate a human carcinogen and says “don’t use it.” Will this declaration begin a rash of warnings from around the world?
Monsanto may have asked the World Health Organization for a retraction when one of their agencies declared glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s best selling herbicide, Roundup, ‘probably carcinogenic,’ but they are going to have to start begging others too.

Monsanto is Running the USDA: Two GMO Crops Approved This Year

In case it didn’t make it to your news table, the United States Department of Agriculture (headed by Tom Vilsack, Monsanto’s best buddy) has recently (in January) approved two more Monsanto-owned genetically modified crops – new strains of both GM corn and soy. Is it any question now who is running our government in the US? Monsanto is calling the shots, not the people who vote for Congress and Senate members.

4 Major GMO Threats that Endanger Our World Every Day

When genetic engineering was just a frontier science, the possibilities it presented were portrayed as positive and innovative, especially for agriculture. Make crops grow fuller, faster. Eliminate the need for pesticides. Make more food available for bigger populations. However, from its onset, genetic modification has raised questions over the safety of the process and outcome, as well as crossing boundaries of nature and morals. Especially as the experiments become more bizarre.

Major Monsanto Lawsuit Completely Blacked out by Media

What happens when one courageous attorney and a few citizens try to take down Monsanto? The MSM doesn’t cover it, for starters.
Efforts to publicize a class action lawsuit against Monsanto for false advertising it’s best-selling herbicide Roundup filed in Los Angeles County Court on April 20, 2015 have been rejected by almost every mainstream media outlet.