
Top Scientist Who Exposed GMO Now Silenced by Biotech

“If I had the choice, I certainly wouldn’t eat it,” said scientist Arpad Pustazai in an interview conducted after his study of GMOs.
Have you heard his name before? Likely not, since biotech made an example of him in 1998, launching an attack against any scientist that exposed just how toxic GM crops truly are. What did Pustazai find when he conducted trials on animals given genetically modified food? Read on to find out what Monsanto has suppressed for decades.

Oregon County Set to Destroy Monsanto’s GMO Crops

Monsanto has been warned, and Syngenta already moved their operations outside the county. Notice was given by Josephine County, Oregon that citizens are very serious about the GMO ban (Measure 17-58) that was passed last year. The cultivation of GMO crops will not be tolerated.
Biotech companies have until September 4th, just a few short weeks away, to either harvest their crops or destroy them, or they face monetary penalties.

Monsanto’s GMO Bt Toxins Found in 93% of Pregnant Women

Have you heard of the genetically modified Bt toxin implemented into Monsanto’s GMO Bt crops such as corn and soy as a biopesticide? Maybe you have, but did you know that this registered insecticide is showing up in people around the world? A Canadian Hospital tested for Bt toxins in the blood serum of pregnant women and their unborn babies by sending their umbilical cord blood to a lab. Their findings were more than troubling.

African Experts Reject Monsanto’s Drought-Resistant GM Maize

Might Monsanto play a role in California’s drought? If the company isn’t causing it directly, it at least plans to profit from it. To whit – the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), just lodged an appeal to South African Agriculture, Water Affairs, and Forestry Minister, Senzeni Zokwana, against the general release approval of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) maize, MON87460.

GM Bacteria ‘Suffocates’ Soil, Says Retired EPA Scientist

Dr. Ramon Seidler, a retired senior scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency, has become a leading spokesperson against genetically modified foods and the increasing use of pesticides with GM crops. Dr. Seidler has published numerous papers on the subject of GMOs, arguing against them, rather than for them, as many other industry puppets do.

Law Firm Recruits Farmers In Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

At this point, we have all been exposed to Monsanto’s toxic glyphosate – the chemical in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up. Exposure is happening either by eating GMO foods, or living close to a farm that routinely sprays their crops with the ‘probably-carcinogenic’ herbicide, as declared by the WHO’s IARC. In response to this, McDivitt Law Firm is inviting the public to attend a series of town meetings to hold agrichemical companies liable for the health damage they have caused with Round Up chemicals. Are they meeting in your town?