As Saudi and Allies Bombard Yemen US Clocks up $33 Billion Arms Sales in Eleven Months

By Felicity Arbuthnot | Dissident Voice | April 1, 2016 Sometimes even to the most towering cynic, American hypocrisy is more than breathtaking. As they lambast their latest “despot”, Syria’s President al-Assad — a man so popular in his country and the region that the US Embassy in Damascu had, by the end of 2006, […]

(VIDEO) Yemen’s Forgotten People in a Forgotten War

21st Century Wire says…
As the Syrian Army and its Russian partners gradually regain control of the disaster created by Washington and its NATO and GCC allies in Syria, the western media is slowly coming around to realize 12 months late (but better late than never) that Saudi Arabia has been pounding its neighbor Yemen, and killing and maiming many innocent people in the process.

Kuwait revokes residency visas of 60 Lebanese over alleged Hezbollah links

Press TV – March 28, 2016 Kuwait has revoked the residency visas of more than 60 Lebanese individuals over their alleged links with Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement. The Kuwaiti Arabic daily al-Qabas quoted a Kuwaiti security source as saying that the people to be deported can stay in Kuwait under a temporary residency visa of […]

Saudi regime detains top Shia scholar in Eastern Province

Senior Saudi cleric Ayatollah Hussein al-Radhi Press TV – March 22, 2016 The Saudi regime’s security forces have arrested a prominent Shia cleric over his anti-regime comments as Riyadh continues its crackdown on the minority sect. Media reports said on Tuesday that security forces arrested Ayatollah Hussein al-Radhi shortly after he led prayers in the […]

Livni Hails Blacklisting Hezbollah, Urges Alliance with Gulf States

Al-Manar | March 14, 2016 Israeli former Foreign Minister, Tsipi Livni, hailed Arab League decision to blacklist Hezbollah as a ‘terror group’, calling to conclude alliance between the Zionist entity and some Arab states. “AL decision to adopt the Gulf Cooperation Council is rightful and represents a positive shift,” Israeli daily, Maariv quoted Livni as […]

Gulf states to take legal action against Hezbollah affiliated TV channels

MEMO | March 9, 2016 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) information ministers agreed on Tuesday to take legal action against TV channels affiliated to Hezbollah, Anadolu reported. This decision came as part of the conclusion statement of the 24th meeting of the GCC information ministers, which was held in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. “The legal […]

GCC not after protecting Lebanon: Hezbollah chief

Press TV – March 6, 2016 Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, says the Arab member states of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC), which recently listed the resistance group as terrorists, do not have the interests of Lebanon in mind. During a live televised speech on Sunday, Nasrallah […]