NATO’s Emerging Outsourced Eastern Flank

By Wayne MADSEN | Strategic Culture Foundation | 21.04.2017 A series of moves by NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) partner, the United Arab Emirates, has many observers in the Indian Ocean littoral nations wondering out loud whether the «North Atlantic» military pact is moving into the Indian Ocean and Arabian Peninsula, courtesy of an «outsourcing» […]

Britain ignores Bahrain’s human rights record to pursue business interests with dictatorship

By Marwa Osman | RT | March 5, 2017 Britain’s multi-million pound trade and aid strategy for programs in Bahrain needs exposed as the tiny gulf kingdom continues its chain of tyranny and torture against the Shia majority. The British government’s unreserved condemnation of torture and inhumane treatment and punishment seems to vanish when it […]

Trump's "Migrant Policy" Exposes Continuity of Agenda

February 2, 2017 (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The full scope of the current deception being perpetrated against both the American people, and the rest of the world under the presidency of Donald Trump and the supposed "push back" from the "liberal media" is exposed in full amid President Trump's unfolding migrant policy.Bloomberg, in two articles,

(VIDEO) YEMEN: Houthi Militia Hit Saudi Battleship in the Red Sea

Yemen’s Houthi militia fighters mounted a successful attack yesterday against a Saudi Arabian military warship off the western coast of Yemen in the Red Sea.
The Saudi vessel, Al Madinah, was stuck while on a scheduled patrol in the southern Red Sea when the attack occurred.
The attack is reported to have killed two sailors and wounding three others, according to U.S. officials.