Gaza Bombing 2021

Ceasefire ends Israeli terror in Gaza — for now

A ceasefire ending 11 days of intense violence in Gaza was announced late Thursday, taking effect in the early hours of Friday. Israeli airstrikes and Palestinian rocket fire from Gaza continued in the hours after the ceasefire was announced and before the time it was due to take effect. But after the clock counted down to ceasefire time, celebrations erupted from Gaza[Read More...]

The Palestinian National Resistance has won yet again! Israel faces both a military & political defeat

The Light is Beginning to Shine from Jerusalem yet again! Celebrations have broken out across Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, across all of historic Palestine. Clearly after the 11-day war, the Palestinian Resistance has emerged stronger, with more widespread & greater global support. The struggle of the Palestinian people to safeguard the neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah from ethnic[Read More...]

“Roof Knocking” in Gaza and the Myth of the Benevolent Drone

In its deadly attacks in densely populated Gaza, the Israeli Defense Force is employing a technique they call “roof knocking.” First drones fire small missiles without warheads on a residential building, intended only to shake the building before armed missiles destroy it minutes later. The IDF calls these “warning shots” and they are often preceded by telephone calls to some[Read More...]

Israel has killed 14 families in their Gaza homes

Israeli warplanes and artillery attacks killed several more Palestinians in Gaza and destroyed more than a dozen residential buildings late Tuesday and Wednesday. A journalist, child and woman were among those who died as a result of Israeli strikes, according to Al Mezan, a human rights group in Gaza. The slain journalist, Yousif Abu Hussein, may have been deliberately targeted,[Read More...]

Latest Gaza Massacre Exposes Apartheid Israel’s Ongoing Palestinian Genocide

Palestinian protests over the war criminal eviction of Palestinian families from the culturally significant Shaikh Jarrah part of Occupied East Jerusalem led to Israeli soldiers violating the Al Aqsa Mosque compound (the third most holy site in Islam) on Friday 7 May 2021, a highly significant day for Muslims in the week marking the end of Ramadan. In response to[Read More...]

The sad saga continues: occupation and oppression of Palestinians

Here we go again with yet another deadly and devastating Israeli military attack on Gaza that has captured the world’s attention. However, this current crisis is notably different in scope from the numerous previous major Israeli war crimes against Gaza. This time there was already ongoing Palestinian resistance to Israeli provocations and violence in occupied East Jerusalem including the egregious[Read More...]

The Democratic Party’s Big Mistake ─ Support for Israel

Those who fear the end of democracy take no heed to a fundamental cause of the threat – Israel. President Biden has an opportunity to separate the Democratic Party from the worldwide chauvinists, who believe in their superiority and that might makes right. Followers of Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer found guilty of murdering George Floyd, are chauvinists. No[Read More...]

Israel’s attack on Palestine: Imperialist Designs

From 6th May 2021 while Hamas, a radical Palestinian group has launched missiles on Israelis on the issue related to Al Aqsa mosque, the Israel has launched close to a full scale attack on Palestinians. In this conflict the causalities and destruction has been more on Palestinian side, death of nearly 200 people including 60 children, while on Israeli side[Read More...]

Gaza – US and the West Supports Israel’s Crimes Against Humanity – Understanding the Never-Ending Conflict

“I said we would exact a very heavy price from Hamas and other terror groups, and we are doing so and will continue to do so with great force,” Netanyahu said in a fiery video address. Israel’s PM Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be held accountable for war crimes throughout his PM-ship of Israel, according to the 1945 /[Read More...]

Unity at Last: The Palestinian People Have Risen

From the outset, some clarification regarding the language used to depict the ongoing violence in occupied Palestine, and also throughout Israel. This is not a ‘conflict’. Neither is it a ‘dispute’ nor ‘sectarian violence’ nor even a war in the traditional sense. It is not a conflict, because Israel is an occupying power and the Palestinian people are an occupied[Read More...]