gay Republicans

The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund-- Even Worse Than EMILY's List… Or Just As Bad

Rep Carol Shea-Porter (D) and Dan Innis (R)So far this year, Blue America has only backed two incumbents on a special page designed for true-blue progressives who need electoral help this cycle. Each of them is an independent-minded and stalwart fighter for equality and for a shining progressive vision of America.

Has The GOP Cornered The Market On Political Closet Cases? Meet Illinois Gubernatorial Aspirant Dan Rutherford

"Josh Lanning has the worst job"A year or so ago, I found myself at the fabulous Beverly Hills restaurant of one of the world's most celebrated chefs, José Andrés, The Bazaar. But my dining companion was even more famous-- perhaps infamous-- than Andrés who has won James Beard awards and who beat Bobby Flay on Top Chef.

This Isn't About The Tom Dooley Who Hung Down His Head-- This Is The Other Tom Dooley

Growing up, CBS' weekly game show What's My Line? was one of the most popular shows on the relatively new television machine. It ran from 1950 to 1967 and won a bunch of Emmys and Golden Globes. By the time the above episode ran in 1959, the guest, Tom Dooley, had already had his major impact on the word stage, although in a role that certainly never came up on the show. To John Daley, Arlene Francis, Bennett Cerf, Dorothy Kilgallen-- and their audience-- young Dr.

Gay Republicans... Creepy

2 creepy Ohio Republicans with gay kids-- "It's all about MY family"I'm going to do my best to make sure this post doesn't cross the line into the pornographic. But, let me confess that when I was much younger, I sometimes slept around. One time I was in NYC and I met some guy online who was hot to trot and looked awesome. I offered to take him to dinner so we could get to know each other.

Lindsey Graham's Homosexuality And... Syria

Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is, in essence, one thing above all else-- a self-loathing, closeted homosexual whose fear of exposure motivates everything else in his miserable life. Lindsey Graham should not be in the Senate or in government service at all. He is obsessed with his own homosexuality. His life in the dark, dank closet, trembling with fear that "the rednecks" will find out, has made him a practiced liar and has stoked a severe mental illness.