gay Republicans

CAUTION! If You've Been Talking With "Top Man!" On Grindr, You've Got A Closeted GOP Freak On Your Hands

In 2010, California state Senator Roy Ashbury, a leader of the most contemptibly aggressive gay haters in the state legislature, was outed. Patt Morrison interviewed him for KPCC immediately after he was busted, drunk, with a young male prostitute in his car. Listening to Morrison's interview made me sad for Ashbury and for all the GOP closet queens that infest our political system.

Why Does The Media Think Aaron Schock's Duplicitous Life In The Closet Is Unmentionable?

Is there still anything to say about Aaron Schock on blogs like DWT which have been talking about his corruption for years and years? Now that TV news has been all over the Aaron Schock scandal, we might as well just walk away and leave it to them, right? Not so fast. Rachel Maddow's report Tuesday night on MSNBC (above) was, as one would expect, better than most of the mainstream media coverage.

Weirdly Mixed Night For Gay Republicans

There aren't going to be all that many Democratic freshmen next year. Seth Moulton's win in MA-06 yesterday was one of the bright spots. The district is the northeast corner of the state where the 495 and the 95 join up and head up into New Hampshire. It starts in the Boston's northern outer suburbs-- Lynn, Saugus, Wakefield, Burlington and Bedford and shoots north to Salem, Gloucester, Ipswich, Newbury and Merrimac. It's been John Tierney's district since 1997 but Moulton beat him in a primary on September 9.

Ann Kuster May Have An Ugly Voting Record But New Hampshire Republican’s Vicious Comments On Her Appearance Is Part Of Their Cruel War Against Women

Blue America helped raise money and awareness for Annie Kuster when she ran last cycle. We’re not supporting her again, not because she doesn’t have a horrible opponent— she does— but because she also has a horrible voting record. Soon after getting elected, Kuster quit the Congressional Progressive Caucus and joined the Wall Street-owned New Dems. He voting record is UGLY— really ugly, and we’re ashamed that we got taken in by her.

GOP Staffer Accuses Boehner's San Diego Candidate, Carl DeMaio, Of Predator Sexual Behavior

Scott Peters is a conservative San Diego New Dem, a multimillionaire (8th richest Member of Congress) who bought himself a seat in Congress in 2012 by writing his campaign a $2,757,452 check and outspending his Republican opponent, incumbent Brian Bilbray $4,352,737 to $2,772,270. Newly redistricted, CA-52 is way bluer than it’s ever been before, a D+2 district that takes in most of the city of San Diego before heading north to La Jolla along the coast and out to Poway and Rancho Bernardo inland.

As The GOP Doubles Down On Homophobia, Do Gay Republicans Have A Role To Play Any Longer?

Right wing hedge fund operator and vulture capitalist Paul Singer may be best known as one of the money bags behind Mitt Romney but the ardent defender of the prerogatives of the one percent and their right to rule without interference from government (he's been on an anti-Dodd Frank jihad, for example) is also one of the biggest supp