gay Republicans

The Sickness Of Coming Out As A Trumpist-- A Gay One No Less

Not the real Adam Levine, obviouslyMel Levine was an over-achiever. A graduate of Beverly Hills High, he was elected student body president of UC Berkely in 1963 before heading off first to Princeton and then to Harvard. He was elected to the state Assembly in 1983 and ten years later became a congressman. He voted for the Iraq war in 1991 and was defeated in the Democratic Senate primary by Barbara Boxer the following year.

Gay Couple Has Taken To Fake News Like Ducks To Water-- Alas, Trumpanzee Has Gays Too

What's your identity group? If you're Jewish and a Jew does something heinous or embarrassing, does that irk you even more than it would if someone whose identity group you're not part of did it? I love it that Mark Pocan, a gay man, has the best voting record in Congress and I'm embarrassed that a Kyrsten Sinema and Sean Patrick Maloney, both also gay, have two of the worst voting records of any congressional Democrats.

Denny Hastert Was Screwing 10 Year Old Boys & House Republicans Protected Him The Same Way They Protect Trump Today

Most of the pages and other boys Mark Foley was having sex with were in their late teens. He was careful to bring them to states where whatever age they were was the legal age of consent. Mark's smart. And, exerting some kind of power over a 17 year old doesn't seem nearly as big a deal as what the guy who was protecting Foley was doing. The guy who was protecting Foley was then-Speaker Denny Hastert (R-IL) and what Mr.

Ever Wonder Why So Many Big-Mouthed Far Right Republicans Fit Those Big Mouths Around Phallus?

Ostensibly, ex-Mayor Anthony Silva, a Stockton Republican, was arrested and thrown in jail with a million dollar bond because he embezzled some money from the Stockton Boys and Girls Club. What hasn't come out yet, though, is that the aggressively homophobic hypocrite was having sex with underage boys from the club and seems to have murdered one of his 16 year old victims.

What's The Chance That A Fanatic, Outspoken GOP Homophobe Is Molesting Underage Boys? EXTREMELY High-- Another One Lands In Jail

Stockton is the county seat of San Joaquin County and is sort of the outer reaches of the San Francisco Bay Area metro. When I lived in San Francisco in the 80s, I didn't know much about Stockton other than it's where Chris Isaak came from. Today the population is over 300,000 and the city has had some really bad raps in recent years: