
The Future of Cars and the Hidden Tax of $4.4 Billion Per Month on Gasoline

David Knight and Eric Peters discuss the dangers of driverless cars, a new hidden fuel tax that costs Americans $4.4 billion per month, the ethanol lobby, the globalist push to make individuals dependent on the state for transportation and how governments are making car ownership inconvenient in order to get rid of them. [...]

4 Ways Our Congested Roadways Hurt the Environment

Just about everyone with a driver’s license has been stuck in traffic at least once. Whether it’s the usual rush-hour slowdown or a delay caused by construction, sitting in traffic is a frustrating experience. However, it’s more than a personal nuisance.

Clogged highways make cars burn more gasoline than they would at normal driving speeds. This has many negative repercussions for the environment, from the hazards of oil production to the many pollutants found in vehicle exhaust. Read on to learn more about 4 ways our congested roadways hurt the environment.

Exxon Mobil Explosion? Complete. Media. Black Out.

With the exception of a few mentions in the mainstream press when the incident originally occurred, Exxon is getting away with murder concerning their most recent snafu. I’m talking about the huge explosion at a gasoline refinery in Torrance, California that rained toxic ash on playgrounds and homes. Exxon assured their employees, and local citizens that “all was well,” though.

Fracking Isn't Going To Save The World

-by Jack HannoldThe price of gasoline has been falling lately because U. S. oil production has soared to its highest level in decades, producing a worldwide surplus. OPEC’s Thanksgiving Day announcement that its members won’t soon cut oil production means prices will remain low for now.One Russian oil executive thinks OPEC wants to crash the U.S. shale oil boom, which he compares to the dot-com boom of the 1990’s.