Gary North

Tom Woods responded to my comment on an Austrian deconstruction of a mainstream economics textbook

From Tom Woods’ October 7, 2014 podcast, Austrian economist takes on bestselling college text, chapter by chapter, I noted that there was no challenge mentioned of mainstream economics textbooks advocating governments borrowing from private banks to pay for their legitimate government services rather instead of issuing the money directly, interest-free.

Jason Erb’s refutation of Tom Woods’ “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong”

On the January 5, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I provided a two-hour refutation of Tom Woods’ 2013 presentation paper, “Why the Greenbackers are Wrong.“ Here are some highlights: “(2) that fiat money is just fine as long as it is issued by the people’s trusty representatives instead of by the Fed“ - It’s […]

Gary North’s anti-Bitcoin babble

In response to Gary North’s December 10, 2013 article, “Showdown: Bitcoins vs. Greenbacks and/or Precious Metals“: “First, the primary benefit that libertarian promoters of Bitcoins offer in justification of their theory that Bitcoins will become an alternative currency is this one: Bitcoins offer privacy. Paper money today offers a much greater degree of privacy that […]

Critiquing Gary North’s attack on Bitcoin as a Ponzi Scheme

In response to Gary North’s November 29, 2013 article, “Bitcoins: The Second Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History“: “I hereby make a prediction: Bitcoins will go down in history as the most spectacular private Ponzi scheme in history“ - If it were a private Ponzi scheme, it’d be illegal, and would already be prosecuted, just like […]