Gaius Publius

The Future of Surveillance: 500,000 AI Facial Scans Per Month in China

An abandoned panopticon prison in Cuba (source). Being publicly observed, or the knowledge that they may be being observed at any one time, keeps prisoners under Thomas NeuburgerAll regimes with an overriding need to control their populations — including the U.S. and China — depend on public surveillance as a key element in their control mechanism.

The Self-Set Impeachment Trap

Krystal Ball: This is the hill that Democratic leaders chose to die on?by Thomas NeuburgerA note about the coming and much-cheered impeachment of Donald Trump. Of course impeachment was always the right thing to do. But having waited so long to do it, and having chosen Joe Biden's integrity as the hill to die on, the decision to impeach Donald Trump now may be a trap for Democrats — in fact, several of them.If so, they did it to themselves.

Bernie Sanders and the Crisis of Unpayable Medical Debt

Tears in the eyes of many at @BernieSanders medical debt town hall in Des Mones [sic]. As attendees tell their stories about ICUs, debt collectors, and coverage denials almost all have said that Sanders is “the only one I can trust” to alleviate their financial emotional burdens— Cara Korte (@CaraKorte) September 22, 2019