Gail Collins

Trump’s Psychopathology and the Government Shutdown

-by Helen KleinWhat is becoming increasingly clear is that despite Dr. Ronny Jackson’s gushing superlatives about Trump’s clean bill of health that extend beyond the physical, Trump’s personality make up and his mental/cognitive functioning are dead center in this shutdown mess. All arrows point to Trump. Now that the Republicans have hit a wall with Trump during the negotiations, even they are being forced to recognize his impairments in judgment and decision making, although of course they won’t do anything about it.

Is "system" really the word for our two-party, er, arrangement?

Do Republicans really grasp the significance of having people like VA Atty. Gen. (and 2013 gubernatorial candidate) "Cuckoo Ken" Cuccinelli as the face of their party? The Dems meanwhile have their own problems; we'll get to KenIt's not exactly news that here at DWT we don't have a whole lot of hope for either of our major political parties. And since Howie has, as usual, been keeping us up to date on the horror shows of both, I haven't felt the need to chime in.