
G7: An Obsolete, Useless Talking Shop

The Group of Seven (G7) self-declared advanced nations meet this weekend in France for their 45th annual summit. US President Donald Trump caused a stir ahead of the gathering in Biarritz when he remarked that Russia should be included in the format, thereby making it a G8 summit.
“Russia should be at the negotiating table,” said Trump, in a rare moment of lucidity.

Putin trolls the G7 (Video)

Speaking at a press conference in China following a successful SCO summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to comment on the G7 final statement but said that its criticism of Russia’s “so-called destabilizing efforts” in the West is “unfounded,” and that “this creative babbling” by other world leaders has so far “led to nothing.”
Putin told those at the press conference that Russia did not choose to leave the G7 and would be happy to host its members in Moscow. Putin told reporters at a briefing in China’s city of Qingdao…

TRUMP: “I have been Russia’s worse nightmare” BUT Russia should be in G7 (Video)

POTUS TRUMP: “They threw Russia out, but they should let Russia back in.”
Trump threw all kinds of red pill, geo-political truth bombs in this minute long statement before the G7 meeting gets underway in Toronto.
Liberal left, establishment globalists will lose their sh** with Trump’s latest ‘Russia-related’ comments to the press, but he is 100% spot on.
Russia should be at the table, as a great power, so that today’s very real and very dangerous global problems get solved.
Cue the “Putin puppet” music from the western mainstream media clowns.

Actualités du Grand Moyen-Orient – entretien avec Gabriel Galice

Alors que la bataille de Rakka touche à sa fin, qu’avec la perte annoncée de Mayadine l’Organisation de l’État islamique (OEI) n’est plus que l’ombre de ce qu’elle fut, nous avons souhaité obtenir les analyses de Gabriel Galice – spécialiste, entre autres, des conflits – sur les événements qui agitent la région du Levant, et les idées qui gravitent autour du concept de Grand Moyen-Orient.

Tanzania Forced To Embrace Seed Patents Or Risk Losing Developmental Aid

A woman works a field near the Tanzanian town of Arusha. (AP/Karel Prinsloo)
MINNEAPOLIS– A “development assistance” initiative launched five years ago by the G8, an inter-governmental political forum of the world’s most industrialized nations that consider themselves democracies, is holding Tanzania hostage to the benefit of agribusiness and the detriment of small-scale Tanzanian farmers.