
Demonic Optimism: Biden’s State of the Union Address

I was especially struck by some words following the habitual long litany of presidential achievements, which was for much different reasons also selected by Democratic Party fund raising machine that is never idle. Here is their version of the passage, conveyed the next morning as a private message from the President himself to me: “I’ve […]

The Bipartisan Demise of American Democracy

There are several fissures in the democratic fabric that exhibit the domestic facets of imperial decline. The Republican Party contempt for liberal American values, traditions, constitutionalism, the findings of science and truthfulness, became routine features of the presidency of Donald Trump. This radical style of right-wing politics became more flagrant during the long aftermath of […]

Blue No Matter Who? Very Bad Idea-- And One That Allows The Status Quo-Loving Establishment To Push The Democratic Party Further Right

Voters to candidates: tell us what you are going to do for us and our families and how you're going to do it. We do not care about your offing bullshit made-up fund-raising deadlines. Seems simple, right? But most DCCC candidates can't get it through their heads. They really have nothing positive to offer, so they bombard us with asinine e-mails about their deadlines.Let's look at two e-mails that came to my box yesterday.

We Don't Get Our Money's Worth If Our Representatives In DC Are On The Phone All Day Asking Rich People For Money

There are 4 clowns challenging AOC's reelection as Democrats, including right wing, anti-Choice, viciously homophobic coke freak Fernando Cabrera. He's a typical "ex"-Republican. There're also 8 Republicans running, one of whom, Antoine Tucker, was a coke dealer who may have been supplying Cabrera, widely considered NYC' absolutely worst City Councilman.

The Good E-Mail Series: Robert Emmons, Jr.

Robert Emmons is running for the South Side Chicago seat (IL-01) occupied by entrenched, corrupt careerist Bobby Rush. A grassroots activist without a rolodex that rains money, Emmons is doing his best to raise campaign cash the old-fashioned way, explaining why he has something to offer to the voters in his district. He sent this one out yesterday, under the subject line The price of your zip code?

How To Write A Good Campaign E-Mail, II: Kathy Ellis

This is the second episode of our series about writing a good campaign e-mail. This one is by Kathy Ellis, running in a horrifyingly red district in southeast Missouri. Trump beat Hillary there 75.4% to 21.0%, her worst result in the state. Kathy is working to build a collaborative progressive infrastructure as well as a congressional campaign.

There Are Right Ways And Wrong Ways To Do Political Fundraising

This weekend you may well have gotten dozens of e-mails from candidates that start with this Beltway claptrap: "I wanted to let you know where we stand ahead of our important third-quarter filing with the FEC. Our Finance Director just let me know that we need to raise another $12,025 in online contributions by midnight on Sept. 30th.